We Facilitate Positive Outcomes.

Who is Synchrosaic?

Synchrosaic, a small business with a large mission of developing positive solutions for complex issues experienced by individuals, families, programs, agencies, and systems.

The Synchrosaic team provides a variety of services including clinical services in an integrated care pediatric setting, supervision, training, program evaluation and outcomes development, quality improvement support, and program planning and facilitation.

We are Ready to Support Your Clinical, Evaluation, Training, and Project Planning needs.

“She (Cath) is really good at helping people think together, rather than just giving them information. She joins in the thinking out loud, and seems to treasure new ones rather than black-and-white answers.”

Anonymous Workshop Participant, 2023

Professionals with Diverse Experiences

“I felt that Dr. Burns was very positive and energetic, which helped to make a "virtual retreat" better than it would be otherwise. I thought the icebreaker was very well done and got us laughing and off to a good start. Overall, I thought the content stimulated my/our thinking, which we will hopefully continue to explore in our staff meetings.”

— Retreat Participant 2021

“Dr. Burns was a great presenter. Her knowledge and skill was spot on, plus she was very approachable, friendly, and affirming.”

Anonymous Workshop Participant, 2021

“Appreciative for this opportunity to take a pause in "work" and acknowledge that we are HUMANS doing our work for the state and people of VT, and need support to be well, do our work well, and help those we work with.”

— Participant feedback 2022